Saturday, October 16, 2021

Important information for in-person classes.

Very important information about your child's in-person classes.

In-person classes are held on Sundays at 9:45 am. Below are the dates for the Fall semester.

So we can address any problems or questions, one parent must attend with their child or children, 

Here is are the lists of students and their teacher, as well as dates and locations of in-person classes.

Miss Helen's will meet on October 17 and November 21 in the classroom on the other side of the gym (Knights of Columbus room)

Magali Santiego 

Allison Baca-Salazar 

Ivan Baca-Salazar 

Natalia Olvera-Cacuela 

Michele Olvera-Cacuela 

Inez Izsabella Hermenegido-Gonzales 

Anjelyd Vasquez-Sanjuan 

Amy Gonzales Hernandez 

Emily Sanchez Sanchez 

Miss Susan's class will meet on October 24 and December 5 in the first classroom on the right

Damian Magana 

Gael Menez-Arellano 

Kendra Menez-Arellano 

David Osorio-Flores 

Amelia Montserrat-Gonzalez 

Keilly Daniela Gonzalez 

Maholy Jiguan 

Gisselle Azpeitia 

Alexis Azpeitia 

Jair Mendoza-Hernandez 

Miss Ann's class will meet on October 24 and December 5 in the classroom on the other side of the gym (Knights of Columbus room)

Melissa Jimena Orpzco-Quintero 

Eliabeth Uriostegue-Betancourt 

Emmanuel Delgado 

Ebolat Juarez-Bravo 

Angel Juarez-Bravo  

Jose Luis 

Deysi Zantizo-Villarreal  

Samuel Rincon 

Kevin Nino-Moreno 

Miss Debbie's class will meet on October 31 and December 12 in the classroom on the other side of the gym (Knights of Columbus room)

Anthony Ponce 

Giancarlos Ponce 

Hector Cabrera    

Juan Pablo Rodriguez 

Alexander Joseph Zdunek 

Jacob Juarez-Zunigo  

Mia Alonzo-Gutierrez 

Jocelyn Garcia 

Jalissa Vasuez-Santiago 

Sofia Reyes-Juarez 

Miss Pat's class will meet on November 7 and December 12 in the first classroom on the right

William Patrick Goeckner 

Kyle William Lalata 

Gavin Trace Lalata 

Maya Celeste Wilder 

Destiny Holly Raya 

Gabriel Thomas Douglas 

Lucero Rodriguez 

Alexis Rodriguez 

Miss Elizabeth's class will meet on November 14 and December 19 in the first classroom on the right

Emily Sanjuan 

Mialejandra Romero 

Angelica Agustin 

Vanessa Lugo 

Yamileth Avilez 

Guadalupe Ramirez 

Alexander Hernandez 

Jasglyn Castillo 

Natalie Dianne DeLeon 

Richard DeLeon Jr. 


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First Communion 1, Week 6/ Primera Comunión 1, Semana 6

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